
Camera Crayon
This year's Camera Crayon features a hit 3D animation.
Put on the glasses and experience the eye popping images.

Camera Crayon is an educational program designed to heighten awareness and interests in visual arts for kids. This year, we bring a spotlight on 3D filmmaking which has become a popular form in recent years. Featuring a screening of Fly Me To The Moon, a popular 3D animation about flies that sneak into Apollo 11. This year is the International Year of Astronomy and the film is sure to stir up the imagination of kids and adults alike.

Fly Me to the Moon

2008 / Belgium / 85 min

7.18 (Sat) 10:30


© nWave Pictures

In 1969, an astronaut of Apollo 11 landed on the moon for the first time. But he wasn't the only one on the moon. Guess who else was there?

Ben Stassen
Voice Cast:
Maki Horikita
T-Joy Co. Ltd., SARAI INC.

Official Sponsor SONY FUJINON SHIMIZU CORPORATION Takenaka Corporation NTT Communications SHIMIZ BLC Co., Ltd. ASAHI FACILITIES INC.

Logistic Partner FedEx

Official Airline JAL

Official Hotel Urawa Royal Pines Hotel

Official Partner SONY PCL Saitama Resona Bank, Limited Saitama Railway Corporation

Supporter The Citizens' Circle to Support SKIP CITY INTERNATIONAL D-Cinema FESTIVAL

Media Partner CINEMA TOPICS ONLINE Tokyo Art Beat Denryu Saitama Realtokyo / ART iT

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