
Gala Screening

A special advanced screening of Listen to My Heart, a brand new moving film to be released this fall.

Listen to My Heart

2009 / 119min

7.11 (Sat) 14:00

World Premier


© 2009 Listen to My Heart, Film Partners

Radio DJ Mai has had a fight with her father four years ago and had not spoken to him since then. Without having a chance to convey her true feelings to her father, he has died two months earlier. Through her radio program, Mai decides to open up the listener's heart and communicate their true feelings.

Shinichi Mishiro
Takako Tokiwa, Kento Hayashi, Kaoru Yachigusa, Tatsuya Nakadai
Shochiku Co, Ltd.

Official Sponsor SONY FUJINON SHIMIZU CORPORATION Takenaka Corporation NTT Communications SHIMIZ BLC Co., Ltd. ASAHI FACILITIES INC.

Logistic Partner FedEx

Official Airline JAL

Official Hotel Urawa Royal Pines Hotel

Official Partner SONY PCL Saitama Resona Bank, Limited Saitama Railway Corporation

Supporter The Citizens' Circle to Support SKIP CITY INTERNATIONAL D-Cinema FESTIVAL

Media Partner CINEMA TOPICS ONLINE Tokyo Art Beat Denryu Saitama Realtokyo / ART iT

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