Japanese Film Competition (Feature Length)

Lost in Reminiscence

7.14 (Sun) 13:30 Convention Hall
7.17 (Wed) 17:30 Audio Visual Hall
7.20 (Sat) 10:00 - 7.24 (Wed) 23:00
World Premiere

©Tomohiro Hirota

Director: Tomohiro HIROTA
Cast: Tomo KASAJIMA, Keisuke YAMAMOTO, Takeshi FUKUMOTO,Ryubun SUMORI, Matsuyoshi KOISO

2024 / Japan / 82min.


The incinerator of a waste treatment facility, where a fire blazes fiercely behind a circular window. The sound of a government official’s voice over the radio announces that the name of the era is changing. A nameless protagonist whose coworker delves into mountains of garbage. A boss abusive towards his subordinates. A bus driver asking where he should go. A woman who has lost her mother. Unable to ask for help and or to help themselves, everyone is going through their own madness. Tomohiro Hirota has already earned recognition at a number of short film festivals in Japan, and now densely heaps metaphor on metaphor to portray the nightmare of Japan’s last 30 years, often described as “lost” but in actuality stolen. Can we wake up from this nightmare? Finally, there is a dance in eulogy of our souls, to a song by Saho Terao, who has long dealt with social issues in her work as a writer and musician. Lost in Reminiscence will have its world premiere at the festival.

監督:Tomohiro HIROTA

Director: Tomohiro HIROTA

Born 1992 in Saitama Prefecture. A graduate of Tama Art University’s Department of Moving Images and Performing Arts, he first studied film under director Shinji Aoyama. After graduation, he worked freelance in the production of films, commercials, and music videos. He is also active as a cinematographer and editor.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who was involved in this production. I am very pleased to be able to share Lost in Reminiscence with everyone through an event like this. Saitama Prefecture is both where I come from and the setting of the film, so it means a great deal for me to be able to have the first screening here.