What's IDCF?




Director's message


What's IDCF?

Director's message


The SKIP CITY INTERNATIONAL D-Cinema FESTIVAL 2020 will be the 17th edition this year. Normally, this festival is a place of sharing intense interaction with cinema via the screen, from the filmmakers of nominated works who talk about the passionate feelings they’ve poured into their films and the audience members who relate their frank opinions to the filmmakers in response, to the jurors who critique the films as professionals.

However, this year, due to the globally unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, circumstances do not allow for the inviting of guests and jurors from Japan or abroad, and likewise, the enjoyment provided by watching films with many people inside a theater has become unfeasible.

Furthermore, this festival has been a proactive champion of films by young filmmakers from Japan and abroad while simultaneously making one of its missions the discovery of such talents and the advocacy of their future activities.

Presently, film festivals in every country have been cancelled or postponed leaving increasingly fewer opportunities for young creators to present their films.

The SKIP CITY INTERNATIONAL D-Cinema FESTIVAL 2020 has decided in the midst of such circumstances to hold a virtual film festival as it negates as much as possible the impact of the COVID-19 crisis.

This virtual film festival is a first-time endeavor unique to the 17th edition, therefore I kindly ask everyone who has come to the festival every year as well as all the people involved for their charitable support and voices of encouragement.

I send my well-wishes for the event being held this year and eagerly hope for the quick return to the peaceful film festival it normally is.