Japanese Film Competition (Short Length)


7.15 (Mon) 13:20 Audio Visual Hall
7.18 (Thu) 10:30 Convention Hall
7.20 (Sat) 10:00 - 7.24 (Wed) 23:00
Short ① World Premiere

©2024 Loudness

Director: Go JIBIKI
Cast: Masahiro WAKISAKA, Yoshiko TATSUMI, Go JIBIKI

2024 / Japan / 22min.


Genroku era Japan (1688–1704). A husband and wife struggle side-by-side in a remote village in the Nagaoka Domain of Echigo Province. The man plows the desolate land, his wife preparing meals as she waits for his return. Their days are monotonous, without novelty, and yet happy—until suddenly this life is shattered. Robbed of the happiness he was meant to safeguard, the man chooses to return to his old ways. Actor Go Jibiki takes on the samurai period film in his directorial debut. The title of the film—which features no dialogue, bringing a clear focus instead on the incidental sounds of life, from the tilling of the earth to the chopping of vegetables, the polishing of rice, and cooking—is Loudness. The grief and rage of a man robbed of his modest but happy life are channeled into passionate blade-to-blade combat. Loudness will have its world premiere at the festival.


Director: Go JIBIKI

Born in 1976 in Tokyo, Go Jibiki spent his childhood in Singapore and New York. He joined the theatrical troupe Gekidan wakakusa during junior high school, and later studied theater at En engeki kenkyusho. Jibiki is currently active as an actor, including as a professional narrator. Loudness is his directorial debut.


When I was in junior high school, samurai period films were still common in Japan. But before I knew it, this genre, formerly so well-represented, was vanishing, and the great characters—Echizen-sama, Kin-san, Komon-sama, Yoshimune, Heishiro, Mondo, Choshichiro—had all gone away somewhere, never to return. One day, I realized that I wanted to shoot one: one of those films you hardly ever see anymore, set in Japan’s magnificent natural environment. Just a whim that came to me one day.