Japanese Film Competition (Short Length)

Keiko-san and I ◊ wp◊

7.17 (Mon) 10:30 Convention Hall
7.21 (Fri) 17:00 Audio Visual Hall
7.22 (Sat) 10:00 - 7.26 (Wed) 23:00
Short ① World Premiere

Set in a Japan where humanoid AI is common after the spread of infectious diseases. Keiko Nogami, the humanoid who has long served the Koyama family, taking care of their daughter Airi and doing household chores, has recently been making many errors. Mother Riko wants to replace the humanoid with a new model, but Airi refuses.

©Yuriko Yamamoto

Director: Yuriko YAMAMOTO

2023 / Japan / 23min.


Keiko is the one who Airi has said good morning to every day since her childhood. Keiko does housework, cooks and teaches her. In a near future when physical contact between parents and children is prohibited, a humanoid AI is a child’s closest entity. The daughter feels so much affection for Keiko that she doesn’t want to accept an updated replacement, although her mother tries to convince her through a monitor. An updated Keiko will take over the memory banks, but will it still be Keiko after her body is renewed? Debut director Yuriko Yamamoto delivers, with minimal but effective VFX, this philosophically provocative story about memory and identity through the relationship between humans and AI. After studying at New Cinema Workshop, she became involved in TOKYO FILMeX as a volunteer and contributed to the screenplay of Japan-China-Korea co-production SORA (19). Keiko-san and I will have its world premiere at the festival.

監督:Yuriko YAMAMOTO

Director: Yuriko YAMAMOTO

Born in 1972. Alumnus of New Cinema Workshop, taking the BC course in 2001 and the project development course in 2010. While working as a volunteer staff member for TOKYO FILMeX since 2012, Yamamoto contributed to the script for the Japan-China-Korea co-production SORA (19). Keiko-san and I is her debut film.


I wanted to depict the emotions of a child parting with someone who raised her; that someone is AI. You can also watch it from the viewpoint of her mother or her AI nanny. Thanks to the wonderful crew and cast, the story has been realized. I hope many people will see this film.